Flying Pasties Protects your Privacy at Airport Full-Body Scanners

Don't Let Airport Screeners See You Naked! Flying Pasties Give You Back Your Right to Privacy While Respecting Security: On Freedom's birthday, Flying Pasties launched a new website at Flying Pasties are meant to provide airplane travelers adequate protection from intrusive full body scanners while not interfering with airline security. For until now, citizens haven't had a proper way to voice their displeasure over the intrusive nature of airport scanners.

Flying Pasties are meant to provide airplane travelers adequate protection from intrusive full body scanners while not interfering with airline security. (

"The Design" Flying Pasties are designed to obscure the most private parts of the human body when entering full body airport scanners. The unique ease of removability will allow travelers the ability to retain their self dignity while respecting the importance of airport security. Citizens all around the world are living in troubled times but the company feels that no one should have to feel embarrassed or indentured for simply choosing to fly on an airplane.

Some religious groups and the ACLU have condemned the use of airport scanners, Flying Pasties now gives everyone the peace of mind to enter these scanner without embarrassment.

"Application" Flying Pasties can be applied two ways: against private areas inside a bra and briefs. Or, with an included
adhesive hook (inside or outside the clothing). "We must stress however, that no matter how your wear your Flying Pasties… whenever your airport screener questions you about your Flying Pasties, simply remove them and present it to them. The security personnel are there for your protection and we mustn't forget that," says Michael Luongo, spokesperson for Flying Pasties.

"Why did Flying Pasties create this product?" Explains Michael, "While creating our product, we kept asking ourselves a few things":

* How can we be respectful of airport security.
* How can we make it affordable for all travelers during the height of a world recession.
* How can we make it easy to wear, comfortable and durable for everyone who travels - including children and seniors."

"We think we've managed to address all of these concerns."

However, some segments of society will undoubtedly condemn Flying Pasties for selling this product. But, as explained by the company: "Flying Pasties were not designed for these individuals. Flying Pasties appeal to a portion of society that is respectfully aware of the rule of law. The buyers of our product will tend to be citizens who are aware that giving up any amount of freedom in exchange for a sense of security simply means that you will receive neither." "Our Flying Pasties are not meant to create confrontations, ONLY to retain your privacy," says Robert Curtis, advisor to Flying Pasties.

Full body scanners found at airports are also said to be coming to a sports stadium, railroad terminals and random checkpoints in the near future. "Who's to say when this intrusive practice will end?" says Mr. Curtis.

"Dignity and Your Loved Ones" "Throughout our research of our Flying Pasties we found that most men weren't bothered by these new naked airport scanners. It became a sort of macho type thing to say that they wouldn't mind someone looking at their naked body! But when the thought of having their wives, girlfriends, young daughters or even their grandmothers being a victim of an anonymous peeping tom and virtual voyeur, the reaction was unanimously quite different - and somewhat angry," says Mr. Luongo.

"But Airport Scanner Don't Save Images?...Correct?" "Yea, that's what they tell you… but what they don't tell you is that this option of not saving and sending the images is 'disabled' when the scanner arrives at the airport from the manufacturer. However, when airport security personnel feels its necessary, this option can simply be turned on without the public's knowledge. As anyone who owns a modern day computer… saving, sending and displaying any sort of digital image is a very simple process." The company continues, "Flying Pasties stresses that passengers should always be aware and be protected…and to ask questions. Scanner imagery can also be adjusted as with any digital scanning device. Flying Pasties give you peace of mind and we'll make sure to adjust our technology when they adjust theirs. It's simply not against the law to keep your private parts private - This is everyone's fundamental right," says the Company.

"Scanners and Radiation" Full body scanners are known to admit strong forces of radiation. For this reason, Flying Pasties highly recommends other forms of screening. Unfortunately however, Flying Pasties' products DO NOT provide protection from scanner radiation.

"The Website." The website contains updated information and articles of airport screen technology and practice. The website currently provides visitors constant updates via their very own FlyingPasties - YouTube channel which will feature bi-weekly updates on the technology with spokesperson Michael Luongo. They also have an updating Twitter and Facebook account. The original Flying Pasties imagery of model Ysania was photographed by Dave Alan.

"Cost effective." Flying Pasties are made with the highest quality rubber to obscure scanner images. Individual items retail for under $15 plus shipping. Sets sell from $19.99. International and express shipping is available. The website only accepts Paypal at this time.

"Personalized Pasties." Flying Pasties also offers their customers the option of designing their own pasties. They are hoping that various supporters of 4th amendment candidates will desire another item to promote their candidate. Flying Pasties are also hoping to appeal to various websites that may want to grab some attention with a new product. "Or," as Mr. Luongo mentions - "Maybe we'll find individuals who simply want to promote freedom and hand out their your own Pasties at the airport!?" "Designing unique pasties is easy and fun and we look forward to working with like-minded individuals on them." At the moment, Flying Pasties can process orders from 1000 and up and they have a design team on hand that can handle almost every request.

"Summary" "Until now, citizens haven't had a proper way to voice their displeasure over the intrusive nature of airport scanners." says the website. Flying Pasties urges customers to don't let airport screeners see them naked. Their new tagline reads "Flying Pasties. Giving you back your right to privacy" Source

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